Today I’m asking my University of Georgia magazine writing class to write an in-class review, using all five senses. The review will be very short — 140 characters (not words, but letters, counting spaces), to be precise, or the maximum length of a tweet or text message, or the average Facebook post. Fortunately, the subject matter is also small: A single Jelly Belly gourmet jelly bean, in all its exotica.
They are allowed to use any abbreviations or slang commonly used on Twitter, Facebook, IMs or other social media/online chat rooms. However, they need to get their points across so that these users can easily understand them. And: They need to craft interesting, accurate descriptions. Creativity counts. I wanted them to post here so they could all read one another’s reviews. They will have a few minutes at the end of class to complete the assignment, so it’s a tight deadline too.
On your mark, get set… tweet!