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The Jelly Belly Experiment

Today I’m asking my University of Georgia magazine writing class to write an in-class review, using all five senses. The review will be very short — 140 characters (not words, but letters, counting spaces), to be precise, or the maximum length of a tweet or text message, or the average Facebook post. Fortunately, the subject matter is also small: A single Jelly Belly gourmet jelly bean, in all its exotica.

They are allowed to use any abbreviations or slang commonly used on Twitter, Facebook, IMs or other social media/online chat rooms. However, they need to get their points across so that these users can easily understand them. And: They need to craft interesting, accurate descriptions. Creativity counts. I wanted them to post here so they could all read one another’s reviews. They will have a few minutes at the end of class to complete the assignment, so it’s a tight deadline too.

On your mark, get set… tweet!

16 Responses to “The Jelly Belly Experiment”

  1. Michael Prochaska says:

    Had to pop out that poop freckled pasty egg of stale Dollar General popcorn like a dog refusing medicine.

  2. Amanda Newman says:

    The cinnamon-flavored JellyBelly had me thinking of Hot Tamales, high school and Xmas even after I got the gummy snack unstuck from my teeth

  3. Popcorn jelly bean tastes like my hangover from last weekend. #bitter #vaguelybuttery #badchoices #neveragain

  4. Kristen Lewis says:

    The pastel yellow jellybean tastes like a heart attack with an overwhelming taste of butter that leaves remnants of salt in my teeth.

  5. Samantha Daigle says:

    This Jelly Belly reminds me of an icy lime-flavored margarita I used to sip while tanning under a shaded umbrella at the beach #ilovesummer

  6. Brad Olsen says:

    Red Jelly Belly
    in an eraser size ball.
    Reflecting suface hides it’s rhino-shaped
    imperfection –
    and it is gone much too soon.

    Dry to the smell,
    but sharp to the taste.
    It bites my tongue,
    go away red Jelly Belly,

  7. Madeline Sauter says:

    Sweet, slimy, tangerine! Perfectly flavor-filled to make you crave a bag of sugar-covered, orange slice gummies. #stillstuckinmyteeth

  8. Maura Friedman says:

    Waxy & smooth in my fingers, the gritty sugar of the grass green Jelly Belly still lingers on my molars. Tastes more blue raspberry to me.

  9. Maggie Siu says:

    The round bean reflects a soft glow against the pink tinge filled w/ lemony sugar that oozes over the firm, crisp layer on the 1st bite.

  10. Stacy Verner says:

    I’m in Chicago in December, nose numb and fingers burning cold, inhaling warmth from a cinnamon latte that smells like my mom’s kitchen.

  11. Frances Kim says:

    tomato red cinammon jellybelly takes me to oct. when weather is perfect & i walk down milledge to the church that sells all the pumpkins.

  12. Erika Arnold says:

    The forest green bean-shaped candy with hints of pinkish-red speckles brought me back to bitting into a juicy slice of watermelon on a hot summer day in the middle of July.

  13. Cory Jasin says:

    The royal blue bean with the Jelly Belly imprint releases its delicious flavor onto my taste buds as my strong white teeth bear down. #notabombpopbutprettydamngood

  14. Briana Campbell says:

    Crunch, crunch, squish. I’m tempted to keep chewing. This little buddy didn’t come whirling around and around a red machine though.

  15. Amanda Dixon says:

    Orange Jelly Bellies⎯an orthodontist’s nightmare. So tart and gooey. Humid as a summer’s night, sweet like cotton candy. Not worth a visit in that dredded chair.

  16. Krista says:

    Good job, everyone!

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